Monday, April 12, 2010

"New Hughes"

As we just had an all staff meeting this afternoon about "the big move" back into the Classical building this summer, it makes me think back and WONDER how the staff and students felt back in 1910 when they moved from our Cathedral-type building down on old 5th & Mound Sts. downtown as they prepared for the even bigger move way up the hill to our present day location in (and on) Clifton.

The proceedings were quite a bit more extravagant than what we'll have for the re-opening...they included a huge Hughes parade from 5th & Mound all the way up to the "New Hughes" complete with every student and faculty member following the elite Hughes band all the way. A grand ribbon cutting ceremony with speeches and performances. The program included alumni, student clubs, then Mayor of Cincinnati, Louis Schwab and other dignitaries of the area. The entire ceremony took place in the front, before anyone even entered the building. Can you even imagine what that must have looked like!

The following poem was written by Mrs. Helen Goodman Logan, Class of 1909 about the "New Hughes," which is also the title of the poem. It really is awe-inspiring at how much EDUCATION was valued, even treasured at the time that our building was built.:

A noble structure here will rise,
A mighty seat of learning;
Oh, may its praises reach the skies,
Its virtues all discerning.
Behold this now assembled throng
To help it on its way along,
To join us landing it in song,
All hearts with joy are burning.

At length 'twill stand in all its might,
Dominion far extending,
With all its glories full in sight,
Its fame enchantment lending.
So long as it may be a school,
It ne'er for wrong will be a tool,
With justice ever will it rule,
Its glories never ending.

Oh, may it make itself a name,
For this end ever trying,
A name without reproach or shame,
To all things edifying.
And when at last old grow its walls,
Its lofty towers, its stately halls,
Oh, may it be a voice that calls
To higher things ne'er dying.

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