Tuesday, October 28, 2008

What's your first Hughes memory?

By Liz Hiles, ’94
Director, Hughes Alumni Foundation

I can remember back to the Summer of 1990 when my father, mother and I pulled up to the curb in front of 2515 Clifton Avenue for Freshman Orientation. My dad was just dropping Mom and me off. So out of the car we went.

I took a few steps before I actually looked up. As my eyes went further up, my jaw went further down. My elementary and junior high schools were both really small. Hughes was, well, HUGE! (Do you think they noticed the similarity in the two words when they built the building?)

“Mom, if I don’t come home the first day of school, call a search party ‘cause I’m LOST!”

Some weeks later, school began for the year and I was there with all the typical freshman-first-day-butterflies in my stomach. Glad to see my friends from previous schools, anxious to make new friends…and terrified of becoming endlessly lost in the vast halls of our alma mater.

Luckily, I only got turned around a time or two…nothing serious enough to actually use the word “lost.” I made it through that year…and the three to follow and I LOVED every moment of it.

So, take some time to share your first Hughes memory!

If you can’t remember the first, how about the most exciting…or the most memorable? Take a few moments, dig deep into the recesses of your mind and bring forth those things that you haven’t thought about in YEARS! Write them down and send them to hughesalumni@yahoo.com. (All submissions have the opportunity to be posted. The Hughes Alumni Foundation reserves the rights to edit submissions.)

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